Computer Game: Windows
Genre: Wargame
Type: Hybrid
Maximum Players: 2
Internet play | Scenario creation
Availability: Download only
Developer: ProSim Company
Designer: Patrick Proctor
ATF: Armored Task Force is the ultimate modern era tactical simulation on the market today. Designed and developed by Patrick Proctor and his ProSIM
company, this is a real time hybrid wargame unlike any other you've experienced. Numerous innovations borne out of the developer's frustration with the majority of tactical computer wargames available elevate Armored Task Force above the rest of the pack.
ATF, while hyper-detailed (detailed enough to be in use by actual military organizations around the world) is easy enough to play that you won't need
Pentagon clearance to try and understand it. New users will find the extensive manual well-written and helpful and even more help can be found online with the exhaustive tutorials written by the staff of ProSIM themselves.
This wargame simulation also includes enough user goodies to keep you playing until 2012. Various editors are included, allowing gamers to modify everything from the graphics to sounds to weapon statistics.
New scenarios are also easily created, along with the ability to import new maps.
For wargamers who have always been disappointed with the reality aspect of real time strategy games, and wargames in general, Armored Task Force is the silver bullet you've been waiting for!

"As accessible and deep as a serious military simulation can get. If you want to taste command in modern war, this is your game." --PC Gamer Magazine
"What Armored Task Force lacks in refined graphics it makes up for in exacting detail and highly realistic combat modeling." --wargamer.com
"Armored Task Force teaches players modern warfare as the military learns it." --Jim Cobb, wargamer.com
♦ One of the most important aspects for any tactical game is the terrain. Units live and die by the lay of the land and the ultimate commander knows exactly
how to use this to his advantage. Armored Task Force's terrain model is by far the highest fidelity seen in a commercial-grade
wargame. Forget about a hex based model, maps use a continuous elevation terrain model just like government and military maps. Hull down positioning now means actually finding the proper terrain for your tanks as opposed to a clicking
on an "entrench" order. Forests, roads, and structures are all represented and must be considered in your avenues of approach.
♦ Combat resolution is resolved at the single vehicle level. Even more impressive a vehicle's facing is taken into account, including its turret. Unlike a lot of
wargames this means that maneuvering your forces for those side and rear shots is paramount, just like a real commander in the field faces. Besides the extensive armor modeling vehicles can also now pop smoke and are intelligent enough
to know when to do it.
♦ ProSIM's games have always been known for their excellent artificial intelligence and Armored Task Force carries on the tradition. Both friendly and enemy AI react
intelligently to their current situation. Artificial intelligence that is actually intelligent, what a concept! Friendly AI works on a layered system, meaning that you can give as simple of an order as telling a unit to attack over that
ridge, or as complex as attack over that ridge by way of that valley while taking overwatch position here for that platoon of M1s. Micromanagement becomes a thing of the past in Armored Task Force! Enemy AI is no slouch either. Working
off decision point tactics you'll face off against a computer opponent that takes the big picture into account and doesn't resort to cheating.
♦ Variable levels of command. You can control the sweep of entire companies or take control of individual vehicles. Most gamers will want to take on a mixed approach,
setting up grand orders at the highest level and then taking control of individual units when things hit the fan.
"You know, this is one hell of a game. I can see why the military would find this useful. Keep up the good work."
♦ The ProSIM Forum
The Shrapnel Games' Forums for all ProSIM products:
Air Assault Task Force, The Star & the Crescent, The
Falklands War, Raging Tiger, ATF, and BCT
►ProSIM Forum
♦ ProSIM Company's Website
Check out the developers site.
►ProSIM Company
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ATF: Armored Task Force is published by Shrapnel Games, Inc.
Operating systems:
♦ Windows
General minimum requirements:
♦ Pentium II 300 MHz
♦ Minimum 32 MB RAM required
♦ Minimum 350 MB HDD
♦ Windows 95 thru Windows 8
♦ Windows Compatible Sound Card
This demo version contains two scenarios set in Death Valley, California. This is the final build of the game,
with all of the friendly and enemy AI layers complete. Our intent is to let you see some of the innovative new features that we have packed into this release.
We hope you enjoy your Armored Task Force demo experience. Please contact customer service if you have any problems with the demo.
ATF: Armored Task Force Upgrade Patch (v.1.08):
►View Patch History
Please contact customer service if you have any problems with the patch.
Fix for Windows 10 Content Creator update:
There is a problem with the new Windows 10 content creator update. The update makes an unpublished change to DirectX that breaks games that use the Armored Task Force engine.
Luckily, the solution is very simple. Users just need to copy the attached file into the folder to which they installed Armored Task Force (or any of the other ATF Engine games). Depending on where the user installed the program, this might require administrator privileges. The attached file should be in the same directory as the file "ATF.exe." Then simply start the game normally, using any of the shortcuts installed with the game (on the desktop or in the program folder of the Start menu). The game will run fine.
This fix is ONLY needed for computers with Windows 10 Content Creator update installed. Other operating systems do not need (and should not use) this fix.
Please contact customer service if you have any problems with the fix.
PDF Instructions for Flipping Scenarios in ATF:
This PDF describes how to modify a scenario to allow a scenario to be played from the opposite side than it was originally designed for.
FREE Scenario Pack
This Scenario Pack consists of the following elements:
♦ Scenario: Bihac 1: Desperate Defense
♦ Scenario: Saudi Arabia 1: Desert Strike
♦ Map: Bihac, Bosnia Herzegovina
♦ Map: Wadi Dabl, Saudi Arabia
When you extract the files, extract them to the 'Data' subdirectory of the Armored Task Force install directory on your computer.
That's it! If you did everything right, two new scenarios, 'Bihac 1' and 'Saudi Arabia 1' should appear listed with your other scenarios
when you start Armored Task Force and select 'Begin a New Game'.
ATF Power Toolkit Instructions PDF:
This PDF describes how to use the ATF Power Toolkit that is included in ATF patches after v.1.02.
Fallujah Map:
A small map of the city of Fallujah. Designed by Raging Tiger designer Curt Pangracs.
Digital Elevation Model Converter:
ATF Pyongyang Map:
Another map for ATF.